World of Warcraft Avatar Days – Kurzfilm


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Die so genannten MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, zu deutsch Massen-Mehrspieler-Online-Rollenspiel) üben auf zahlreiche Menschen einen besonderen Reiz aus. Besonders das Spiel World of Warcraft (WoW) zieht Millionen Spieler in seinen Bann welche damit den Herstellern über eine Milliarde Dollar Umsatz im Jahr bescheren.

Für viele die das Spiel nicht kennen, stellt sich aber die Frage, wer denn nun diese Menschen sind, die oftmals ihre komplette Freizeit und nicht selten ihr Leben in dieser Fantasiewelt verbringen?

Im folgendem Kurzfilm erzählen vier dieser WoW-Gamer über ihr Online-Leben bei World of Warcraft und ihre Avate bzw. Online-Charaktere.

Avatar Days – HD

This is short film directed by Gavin Kelly ( ) we worked on a while ago called “Avatar Days”. What makes this one special is the fact that it was filmed, vfx’ed and comped all in just 4 days. It was made as part of the “4 day Film” catagory in the Darklight Film Festival.

It follows 4 MMORPG players taking about their online persona’s. As they tell their stories we see them go about their everyday lives against the mundane backdrop of city life…but as their Avatars.

There was a team of people on this with director Gavin Kelly leading the troupe. I worked on the 3d characters along with John O’ Connell and Will Sharkey.

John O’ Connell was 3D Lead.


Directed by Gavin Kelly
Produced by David Burke
Production manager Marc Long
Director Of Photography Fergal O’ Hanlon
Editors Paul Giles, Damien O’ Connell
3D Animation Lead John O’ Connell
3D Animation Will Sharkey, Cormac Kelly
RED Camera Kindly Supplied by “The Production Depot”
Music by Steve Lynch at StellarSound
Digital Transfer Technial Assistant Cathal McHugh
Compositing Arron Ingles, Declan MacErlane

Ex Piranhabarian Fabricio Lima features as a World of Warcraft obsessed interviewee on this one also!